Junior high school after some Archon award for good grades (i have no clue who that woman is ruining this picture)
My 13th birthday party in a pool hall with Navib
my godsister and a very fat lightskinned baby formally known as me
this is actually Lisa's spotlight but i couldn't help but notice me in he back tight because instead of getting X-Men 2 for my 9yr old birthday party, my aunt got me a clown lol.
Jasmin & I after a performance looking like Lil Wayne (June 11th 2000)
Dunno what i was wearing but this is when we first moved into the house (my house hasn't been pimp'd yet)
posted this for comedic purposes, copy/paste/laugh at your own leisure
ok, my moms was ridiculous on what she let me wear to school, cuz this is unacceptable.
Me at Madison Square Garden. No i aint see nuthin, but it was a class project & i had to go
Lookin like a young Frederick Douglass
i guess it was fun to take pictures of me eating. I can't even tell if that's Breakfast cuz the windows look dark.
My cousin & I are the epitome of late 80's in this pic
Senior trip 04 sleeping on the ride home
my sis & I being coconuts on the island of Barbados
IDK where i am but my cousin look like a young Will Smith & my hair needed to be seriously done.
Todd & I on top of the Empire State Building... can't explain the faces tho
Once again, the African outfits have to stop mom!
The dancing days... days that are long forgotten but always brought up by others, smh
more pool
i scare myself wheneva i look at this pic
the trifector: Ashley, Ryan & I
the cutest picture in the world!
Reservoir Babies: Jamel & I on what i assume Easter (i hope its Easter )
I have on a FUBU shirt... the world is gonna end
Everyone in this pic is so disrespectful! why does it look like everyone around me tryna blow out MY candles?!
if i find more, more will be posted
Hey Bobby. Cute Pics...
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