
Tasteless Visuals

Random pictures i have taken of other people's plates (or my own) after finishing our food... Looking at these pictures really doesn't help one to gain an appetite... Basically after one is finished, you remember how when you were in elementary school and you just made some weird creation after with your food before you threw it away.... well this is just that... If you noticed me posting pictures as blogs lately, it's because i'm cleaning my Harddrive and deleting them. So before i decide to delete completely, might as well share with you for one last look.

The Lonely Hotdog
ButterMILK Biscuit a la mold

Carrot Cake Royale (it's a FRENCH thing)

French Fritter a la mold

Happy Frenchman

Jamaican Fritters

Utensil Special

Corny Porkchop

Pretty TASTELESS if you ask me...

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