
Congrats Godsis!

So how bout my Godsis Celina just crossed Delta yesterday!... That's right! Celina "Practitioner" Nixon is the newest member of Pi Rho Chapter's Spring 09 line of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. I went to her "Coming out" show yesterday and saw my sis in action. Seeing her march out, i wasn't sure if it was her. (she was lookin' kinda.... natural [lol]) Then she started spittin al of her shit and i was like "wow! that's really Momma C.! (her name in my phone)" I got to speak to her after and gave her my respects and love but now she's officially done. So once again, i say Congrats to my G'sis and her LineSis together known as "Vital Substance" for their introduction into their sisterhood. BiLLz is very proud! You finally arrived at your DSTination...
stand clear of the closing doors {BING}{BOOM}

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