
Tattoo Crave

So check it, i have about 5 tattoos (even though people would consider it 4 because 2 are connected) and honestly i been content with no more than the ones i have for the past 4 years. I just felt that i basically got all of my tattoos at a juvenile age that when i finally turned the age that i could get it, i stopped. But! the crave has come back and im hyped to get more. People may think that tattoos are regrettable but i just feel they tell a story about your life through what you decided to mark at the time.
For instance my 5/4 tattoos are as follows:
1. FAM Tatt- this tattoo is a heart over a spade with a banner streaming across with the letters F-A-M located on my upper left arm . A tattoo my cousin AJ designed. The F stands for "Faith" which is my mother's 1st name, the A stands for "Abby" my aunty and the M stands for "Maria" my other aunty. So far the children of these women are the 1st ones with the tattoo which conisist of my sister Reese, my cousin AJ, my cousin Candyma and myself. Its convenient because the word spells FAM and we all are biologically related. Eventually where trying to have every member after us get it in the same place to keep this family tradition going.

2. ATA tatt- the letters A-T-A located on my right hand aligned with my pinky finger. This is to represent the everlasting respect i have for the team i founded. ATA used to stand for "All Together Again", which was the appropriate title at the time. We were a team known as "ProDiGy" before but was disbanded by an authoritative power. Then on July 7th of 2003, we were all brought back together. But time goes on and people change. As the clique got bigger, the weaker the bond and ended up flopping. the original people that i stuck with when i made this team are the only ones i still consider my peoples til this day. I still claim ATA but we decided that the name for it now will be "Above Them All".

3. GRIMEY tatt- a tat on my right forearm with the letters G-R-I-M-E-Y in old English font. The name was a nickname given to me because i was apparently a grimey dude. I always denied the claim. I eventually realized that maybe i was from the many actions i did without hesitation and decided to just embrace the tagname. After realizing the negative reason behind it, i turned it into a positive acronym of my own and now stands for "Greatness Runs Inside My Everlasting Youth" basically meaning, i will always maintain success and positivity while living life through my youthful years.

4 & 5. Spider web & Black widow spider tatt- the spider web located on my right elbow is connected to the black widow spider located on my upper right arm. The black widow spider is just sumthin i always wanted when i was young. This was supposed to be the 1st tattoo i wanted to get. Black widow to me just represents a loner and the web i guess shows that it aint far from home i guess (i cant lie, i just made that one up, lol it just sounded cool tho, lol)

wow! didnt expect to go in about my tattoos i have already, i wanted to tell you about the future ones i want to get.

1. the "On" symbol that's usually on electronic appliances located on my left chest

2. The N*E*R*D brain logo somewhere (anyone who knows me knows that im a N*E*R*D fan for ever and a day)

3. Tribal Aries symbol on the back of my neck my cousin designed.

4. "Brooklyn" across my back. Kinda like how David Banner has Mississippi on his. (i love my borough, what can i say?)

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