So i always wait for these days of the year to arrive because it's once in a lifetime where you can see that the day, month and year all having the same numeral. Usually you expect this day to be some exciting day, but honestly, it's just another day on the calender. No Fireworks shoot off, no parades. Although no real crazyness happens, Movies usually take advantage of this opportunity to debut their films. Some of the days i ca remember stuff being on these special days was the 1st day of the 21st century (01-01-01), Cinco de Mayo of 2005 (05-05-05), I can recall some creepy horror movie coming out on June 6th of 2006 (06-06-06), 07-07-07 was a lucky year for people to get married at the same time it was my team's 3rd year anniversary. 08-08-08 was when i got my Sidekick and now who knows what 09-09-09 is gonna bring. I mean, besides that "9" movie coming out by Tim Burton. All i know is that it's here and i wish you a Happy 09-09-09 i guess.. this kinda thing wont be fun after 2012 cuz there is no 13th month.